
The village of Ulley in West Ladakh, north of the Indus River, at the head of the valley of the Ulley Chhu, stands at almost 4,000 metres above sea level. It is 2 – 3 hours driving time from Leh.

Ulley itself is a hamlet of just about 7 houses, beyond which are the high summer pastures of yak and dzo. This is excellent ibex country and there are few more evocative sights than a magnificently horned male Ibex standing vigil on some impossibly narrow outcrop, a few thousand feet over a plunging cliff.

This area has only recently been developed for Snow Leopard tracking and has quickly gained a reputation not just for the “high” numbers of snow leopards but as one of the best areas to see ibex, urial, wolf, red fox, bearded and Himalayan griffon vultures and golden eagles.